What is ICF?

Why should you consider ICF?

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) is a foam forming system for concrete.

The two sided blocks are stacked like legos, reinforced with rebar and then pumped full of concrete. Unlike conventional concrete forms, the ICF’s stay in place, sandwiching the concrete in between two layers of foam.

ICF is a versatile wall assembly, offering varying core thicknesses and rebar layouts to accommodate specific structural requirements.

Essentially any interior finish or exterior siding applications that you’d use on a conventionally framed wall can also be attached to an ICF wall. In most cases, drywall is attached directly to the interior face of the ICF wall and the siding application of choice is attached directly to the exterior face.

While ICF has been around since the mid 1900’s, it’s not until recently that it has started to gain widespread use in both residential and commercial construction. In its earlier years, ICF was used mostly for foundations but over the past couple of decades, ICF has become a preferred choice to many for both below and above grade walls.

GCI's Role in the ICF industry

Full Service ICF General Contractor

With over 20 years of ICF construction experience, GCI is the right choice for your next commercial ICF project. Our skilled team has the experience necessary to deliver a high quality final product. Not only do we have extensive experience installing ICF, but we have decades of experience integrating ICF with other building systems to ensure seamless construction and operation. With numerous local and national awards in hand and countless successful ICF projects under our belt, we have a reputation as the premier ICF contractor in the Northeast. We look forward to talking with you about your upcoming ICF project.

ICF Subcontractor

Groen completed their first ICF project in the summer of 2001. Initially we only installed ICF on our own building projects. However, it quickly became clear that there was significant demand in the construction industry for a professional ICF subcontractor. We performed our first ICF subcontract project in 2008 and have gone on to partner with many general contractors, developers, and owners to help make their ICF projects a success. From single family or multifamily residential to mixed use commercial, municipal, office space, gun ranges, and more - Groen’s experience and capability gives their clients the peace of mind that their ICF project will be expertly crafted. Our success is your success. Contact Groen today about your upcoming ICF project.

Groen Construction Inc. is an award-winning, nationally recognized ICF Contractor and ICF Installer, providing their commercial ICF expertise on a range of projects, to include:

ICF Building Shells

ICF Floor Systems

ICF Foundations

Whether you are a developer, contractor, owner or architect, let Groen Construction Inc. come alongside on your next commercial project. ​